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What You Need To Know About Pregnancy and Wireless Radiation

"The beautiful and awe-inspiring process by which a few cells develop into a new life is truly miraculous. As if following some invisible instructions, the intricate and complex steps for the creation of a new life unfold, forming delicate organs and vital systems and making billions of important connections and patterns in just the brain alone."

-From our brochure, "What You Need to Know About Wireless Radiation and Your Baby."

Tips to Reduce Exposure
It's easy to do! 

• Never carry your cell phone in a pocket or bag near your developing baby.


• Keep your wireless laptop or tablet away from your body. Never rest a wireless device on your abdomen.


• Consider using a radiation-blocking blanket if you spend a lot of time on devices.


• Avoid making calls when the signal is weak; this causes cell phones to boost RF transmission power, generating more radiation.


• Get a corded landline for your home and talk safely for hours! Note: cordless or DECT phones have similar radiation risks as cell phones.


• Don't sleep with your phone under your pillow or on a bedside table. Turn off routers at night.


• Don't sleep close to a router or where a “smart" utility meter has been installed on the other side of a wall.


• Use technology safely. Connect to the Internet using wired (Ethernet) cables.

For Providers

Contact us to receive free copies of our brochure,
"What You Need to Know About Wireless Radiation and Your Baby," for you to share with your clients.

The Joint Statement

More than four hundred physicians, scientists and public health professionals from around the world have joined together to express their concern about the risk that wireless radiation poses to pregnancy and to urge pregnant women to limit their exposures. 
​Read the statement and view signatories


"Having worked at the National Academy of Sciences for 10 years I thought there could be no problem with wireless radiation. Because if there were, I would know about it and so would all my colleagues. Well, I was completely wrong."

Dr. Devra Davis, Visiting Professor,
​Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School


"The fetus is perhaps the most vulnerable to these types of environmental insults. When the brain is just forming, when all of the organ systems are just beginning to develop, that's when we are perhaps at our most vulnerable stage."
​- Dr. Hugh Taylor, Chair of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, Yale School of Medicine


"When a baby is developing there are a hundred billion nerve cells in the body, all bridging connections, even in the first few months of pregnancy. Disruption of those earliest signals can have serious implications for later life."

Dr. Leo Trasande, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, NYU School of Medicine

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The BabySafe Project was conceived in collaboration with Dr. Devra Davis of Environmental Health Trust. The Joint Statement, brochure and videos were produced by Grassroots Environmental Education, which created and maintains this website.

© 2024 Grassroots Environmental Education. No part of this website, including the text, images or illustrations may be used without the advance written permission of the copyright owner.


Grassroots Environmental Education, 184 Main Street, Port Washington, NY 11050 

Email:  Phone: 516-883-0887

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