About the BabySafe Project
The BabySafe Project was conceived jointly by Dr. Devra Davis of Environmental Health Trust and Patti and Doug Wood of Grassroots Environmental Education after attending a conference in Stonington, Connecticut, where Dr. Hugh Taylor of Yale School of Medicine presented the results of his important study on fetal exposures to cell phone radiation.
Hundreds of other researchers around the world have contributed to our understanding of the impact of wireless radiation on the developing fetus.
The goals of the Project have been endorsed by many of the world’s leading experts in the fields of microwave radiation, brain development, obstetrics, pediatrics and public health. To read the Joint Statement on Wireless Radiation and Pregnancy and view a list of signatories, click here.
For more information, including more studies about wireless radiation and human health, please see the websites of Environmental Health Trust and Grassroots Environmental Education.

What You Should Know About Wireless Radiation and Your Baby
Lo que usted necesita saber sobre la radiación inalámbrica y su bebé.
TÉLÉCHARGER LA BROCHURE GRATUITE Ce que vous devriez savoir sur les rayonnements électromagnétiques et la santé de votre bébé